Kissed by the Baddest Bidder에서 모든 해피엔딩을 얻는 방법

How to achieve all happy endings for the game. I made this guide by incorporating several different guides and Reddit comment online. Because I’ve tried and those guides don’t give you ALL the Happy Endings. Most of them are incorrect per se and do not lead to the Happy Endings, which you need to unlock the next Episode. This is first walkthrough I’ve written. I hope this Guide helps everyone. And if there are any Happy Endings that you have trouble with, please comment below or PM me. This is the first time I’m playing this game and I haven’t started on Soryu’s or Mamoru’s routes yet. 죄송합니다! I promise to update the Guide as I go along.


계절 1 – Main Story

삽화 1
* A cold person.
* 좋아요.

삽화 2
* To teach me something.
* 좋아요.

삽화 3
* 저 할 수 있어요’t say.
* Close your eyes.

삽화 4
* 그 경우’s all right with Eisuke
* 아니요…

삽화 5
* 아니요!
* I love Eisuke.

삽화 6
* 나는’모르겠어요.
* 저것’s so cruel

삽화 7
* 두목’t worry about it.
* I want to apologize.

삽화 8
* Going to meet a friend.
* My boyfriend is Eisuke!

삽화 9
* 아니요.
* 나’ll sleep here.

삽화 10
* 화를 내다
* 나는’t think I can think about it.

삽화 11
* Thanks for coming to get it.
* 저것’s nice of you.

삽화 12
* Offer yourself in exchange for Eisuke.
* Are you all right?

계절 1 – Sequel

삽화 1
* 나’ll stay here.
*I want to stay with Eisuke.

삽화 2
* 저것’ll be difficult.
* I guess so?

삽화 3
* 아니요.
* I was thinking.

삽화 4
* Being possessive
* Are you sure its okay?

삽화 5
* I want to ride it together.

삽화 6
* 저것’s not something you get used to
* Please just hear me out!

삽화 7
* I wish that were true
* Thank you for saving me!

계절 2 – Living Together

삽화 1
* If this is a dream, 두목’t wake me up.
* 나’m the owners girlfriend.

삽화 2
* I was just worried about you.
* You shouldnt be picky.

삽화 3
* Can I brag about him?
* Answer honestly

삽화 4
* I understand.
* Would you like to have me first?

삽화 5
* Feed it to him
* Glare at him

삽화 6
* Do you hate flashy clothes?
* 나’m sorry, I got my clothes wet.

삽화 7
* Will you teach me how?
* 너’ll get hurt.

삽화 8
* 물론.
* Say his name

삽화 9
* 씨. Hishikura is a nudist.
* Stand still

계절 2 – Twist of Fate

삽화 1
* 아무것도 아님.
* 그것’s not a big deal

삽화 2
* 제발, be careful!
* 나’ve never played darts before.

삽화 3
* 왜?
* Does it look good on me?

삽화 4
* Is it about the protest?
* 나’m embarrassed.

삽화 5
* I found it while cleaning.
* 오, 나’m sorry.

삽화 6
* 좋아요.
* 나’m sorry!

삽화 7
* I want to stand on my own two feet.
* Move toward the man

삽화 8
* 예.
* 나’ll go with you.

삽화 9
* Why didnt you tell me earlier?
* 나’m glad to hear it.

계절 3 – Proposal

삽화 1
* We should call it off.
* It makes me feel nervous.

삽화 2
* Tell Eisuke to stop him.
* Ask how they can make up.

삽화 3
* Stroke Eisuke’s hair.
* I’m worried about you.

삽화 4
* Make sure it’s okay.
* Go to casino.

삽화 5
* Ask him to think about it.
* Say you want to talk.

삽화 6
* I don’t know what you mean.
* Quietly follow Eisuke.

삽화 7
* 난 포기하지 않을거야.
* I’ll apologize after all this is over.

삽화 8
* Please do it.
* Tell him not to give in.

삽화 9
씨: I thought you were never coming back!
ㅏ: 사과하다.


계절 1 – Main Story

계절 2 – Sequel

계절 2 – Living Together

계절 2 – Twist of Fate

계절 3 – Proposal

This section will be updated soon.


계절 1 – Main Story

삽화 1
* 나’m in not a thing
* Push his hands away

삽화 2
* Glare at him silently
* Stunned silence

삽화 3
* Say in monotone, 너’re always an optimist.
* 저것’s not good at all.

삽화 4
* About my own fate
* Just my first name

삽화 5
* Your love life.
* Why do you say that?

삽화 6
* 그’s just mysterious.
* Reach out a hand

삽화 7
* 내가이 겄어’티
* 나는’모르겠어요.

삽화 8
* 나는’t dislike him
* 당신이 이겼어요’t force me to come with you?

삽화 9
* Genuinely interested
* 나’m sorry.

삽화 10
* Stare at him.
* Silently leave

삽화 11
* 나는’t want to see him
* Let Mr Kishi talk.

삽화 12
* Touch his chest
* You never change

계절 1 – Sequel

삽화 1
* Take it with your lips
* 너’re all talk

삽화 2
* 너’re awfully cool about this.
* Are you here on an investigation

삽화 3
* Don’t say anything.
* 예

삽화 4
* I trust you.
* You get jealous, ~도.

삽화 5
* Go back into the bathroom.
* All thieves start out with a lie.

삽화 6
* I want to wear it again.
* Because Baba loved you.

삽화 7
* Squeeze his hand back.
* You want me to say yes, 오른쪽?

계절 2 – Living Together

삽화 1
* 물론.
* Concentrate on work.

삽화 2
* I trust you.
* 아니요, 아니요…

삽화 3
* Chase after him.
* 나’m a little mad.

삽화 4
* What do you want to eat?
* 두목’t work too hard.

삽화 5
* About my boyfriend.
* 죄송합니다, I already have a boyfriend.

삽화 6
* What about what the kids want?
* Someone gave it to me.

삽화 7
* 돕다, Baba!
* 나’m sorry.

삽화 8
* 저것’당신에게 달렸어요.
* 허락하다’s do our best.

삽화 9
* Look at Baba.
* 감사해요.

계절 2 – Twist of Fate

계절 3 – Proposal

This section will be updated soon.


계절 1 – Main Story

삽화 1
* Please stop!
* Silently nod

삽화 2
* Ask him to leave
* …

삽화 3
* What a lovely story.
* 나’m fine by myself.

삽화 4
* 좋아요.
* 나’ve never been there.

삽화 5
* 나는’t understand
* 그’s busy lately.

삽화 6
* Shake
* 두목’t go.

삽화 7
* How about the batting cages?
* 우와!

삽화 8
* Respond normally
* A morning walk.

삽화 9
* 나’m a human!
* 나’ll go, ~도.

삽화 10
* Sit in front of him on the floor
* 나는’모르겠어요.

삽화 11
* Arent you worried?
* Write a retraction!

삽화 12
* 나’m Koro.
* Wait and see

계절 1 – Sequel

삽화 1
* Celebrities have it tough.
* Follow Ota

삽화 2
* 그것’s a secret.
* You might get arrested!

삽화 3
* Does he have a special reason?
* 확인 해봐

삽화 4
* 묻다
* 저 할 수 있어요’t make any promises.

삽화 5
* Cry with him
* 나’ll leave it up to you.

삽화 6
* 두목’t fight!
* 허락하다’s get it back no matter what!

삽화 7
* 물론!
* I think its great!

계절 2 – Living Together

삽화 1
* I just know.
* Ota?

삽화 2
* I want to help you, Ota.
* 나’m sorry.

삽화 3
* Thank you for yesterday.
* 두목’t tease me.
* 두목’t change the subject.

삽화 4
* 나’난 괜찮아.

삽화 5
* 기다리다!
* 예

삽화 6
* 나’m fine with it.
* 나’ll do anything.

삽화 7
* 나’m glad youre feeling better.
* 두목’t joke around like that.

삽화 8
* I want to help, ~도.
* 저 할 수 있어요’t accept that.

삽화 9
* 두목’t say anything.
* We cant go back to Japan yet.

계절 2 – Twist of Fate

삽화 1
* Squeeze his hand
* I knew youd do that.

삽화 2
* 저것’s harsh.
* 두목’t call me Koro!

삽화 3
* 그것’s natural for a parent to worry.
* Will you forgive me?

삽화 4
* 기다리다
* 좋아요…

삽화 5
* 두목’t go so easy on me.
* Did I help?

삽화 6
* Are you okay?
* Are you sure about this?

삽화 7
* 두목’t say that!
* He said hed be right back.

삽화 8
* Are you worried?
* Ota will kill you.

삽화 9
* 허락하다’s talk with your mom.
* 감사합니다.

계절 3 – Proposal

삽화 1
* Don’t tease me!
* 나는’t fit in here.

삽화 2
* I don’t want to be a prize.
* What about your work?
* 좋아요.

삽화 3
* Are you thirsty?
* 죄송합니다.

삽화 4
* Is it really okay?
* 두목’t react at all.

삽화 5
* Be honest.
* 감사해요.

삽화 6
* I guess he has his reasons.
* Stare at Ota.

삽화 7
* I’m having fun too!”
* Juice, please.

삽화 8
* Koro is my nickname.
* Don’t interrupt

삽화 9
* Stroke Ota’s head
* 저 할 수 있어요’t wait to see the sculpture.


계절 1 – Main Story

계절 2 – Sequel

계절 2 – Living Together

계절 2 – Twist of Fate

계절 3 – Proposal

This section will be updated soon.

이 가이드는 Kissed by the Baddest Bidder 에 의해 작성되었습니다 っ◔◡◔)っ michellexylee. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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