Dungeon Alchemist 지도를 Foundry VTT로 가져오는 방법

A Quick reference Import guide for Foundry VTT

Quick Reference and Import guide for Foundry VTT

1) 파운드리 VTT – 장면 만들기 – close the configuration panel (don’t import the map file yet)

2) Right click on the scene in panel andImport Data” – select the json file with the same map name! – this holds the exported wall and lighting configuration that you had in Dungeon Alchemy!

3) re-open the configuration panelthen import the JPEG, PNG, or webm file (be patient it can take a few seconds to upload!)

Note if this is a Webm File (animated map) you will need to wait for theselectedbox to change and include text Be patientit may take some time and clicking anywhere will cancel the upload

4) Once you see the text in the Selected BoxPress Select File then Save the Changes

5) Check your walls, and visibility on the imported mapadd additional walls if required

Basic wallsBlocks all sight and MovementCarte Blanche (yellow lines)

Invisible wallsto block movement but not sight (blue lines),

Terrain walls terrain walls block sight Past the Second line so players can see the terrain but not past it (Green lines)

In this case I have added the Terrain walls and invisible walls as shown below!

6) TPKErrr…. 이익!

이 가이드는 Dungeon Alchemist 에 의해 작성되었습니다 Kettle & Dice. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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