PAYDAY의 Under the Surphaze에서 Shanda Latrell을 훔치는 방법 3

This guide explains how to get ‘True Connoisseur’ 성취.

How to Steal Shanda Latrell

There is still no guide to get it so I’m making one.

The painting we are looking for is the one in the room between E2 and E3

1. Check three statues on the table in manager’s office

2. Bag the statues at the same time

3. Move the painting in manager’s office which reveals button behind

4. Pushing the button will make painting to be able to loot, activating lasers as well;
before pushing it, you can get someone under the painting to skip laser part

5. As soon as you secure the painting, 당신은 성취를 얻습니다

Can’t be done as loud but as long as you bag the painting, you can go loud.



2 statues here.






2 statues as well.

After Bagging Statues

Really recommend to get someone under the painting before pushing button.

Able to bag the painting now.

Use camera to see red guidelines.

You can follow those red lines not to activate lasers, keep going sneaky if you want.

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