퍼시픽 드라이브(Pacific Drive)에서 Tinker Station을 이용하는 방법

this is how you remove Quirks 🙂

What is a Quirk

If you find something strange on your car its probably a Quirk. If you are on the platform in your garage the monitor on the wall will show a yellow square on the bottom right.

How to use the Tinker Station

To remove the quirk you go to the Tinker Station (to the right side of your car).

Here you will see 4 different rows and I will show you how you use them:

Lets use my problem:

When I was driving backwards, the hood opened.

빨간색: What is your input? -> Car
녹색: What do you do? -> drive backwards
주황색: What part acts strange? -> 후드
파란색: What does it do? -> OpensThen you press 스페이스바 and the machine will tell you if you guessed your problem correct.

How to fix a found Quirk

If you found your problem you can now fix it. Easy right?

When you are inside the menu from the Tinker Station, 누르다 이자형 and it will go to the next page.

There it will tell you what you need to fix your problem. 우리의 경우: 1 Sealing Kit + 1 Mechanic Kit.

if you have what you need inside your Inventory you can press Spacebar again.

축하해요, you just fixed a Quirk in your Car.

이 가이드는 퍼시픽 드라이브 에 의해 작성되었습니다 mordecalim. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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