잃어버린 땅 모래 포로 – 얻는 방법 “전문가” 성취

The Specialist Achievement is described asComplete the Stash mini-game in the forge in less than 3 분”. This can be quite challenging since the solution in the strategy guide does not work. This guide provides a working solution.

Puzzle Solution

The set of movements in the strategy doesn’t work as written, within the first 8 moves it has you move 21 right and then later wants you to move 21 up when it hasn’t moved anything there. Either it has a type-o or it is missing steps.

In order to get the achievement you have to complete the puzzle in 3 분. If you didn’t get the achievement while playing, you should be able to go into the Extras menu and find it in the Mini-Games section (it’s number 14 you have to have played it in the main game to have access) and try until you get the achievement pop.

Number the locations you can move a blue or gold tile to as follows:

Row 1: 1 에게 10
Row 2: 11 에게 20
Row 3: 21 에게 30
Row 4: 31 에게 40
Row 5: 41 에게 50

This looks like this (click the image to see the numbers better):

The following set of movements will move the gold tile to position 30 which is the win. If you need to stop and read the moves, click on the Menu button in the bottom left corner as this seems to pause the timer.

38 (파란색) up to 28
18 (파란색) up to 8
29 (파란색) up to 19
20 (파란색) up to 10
19 (파란색) right to 20
28 (파란색) up to 18
18 (파란색) down to 28
27 (파란색) up to 17
37 (파란색) down to 47
28 (파란색) down to 38
25 (파란색) up twice to 5
24 (파란색) up to 14
44 (파란색) left to 43
42 (파란색) left to 41
32 (파란색) down to 42
22 (파란색) down to 32
32 (파란색) right to 33
21 (금) right to 22
11 (파란색) down to 21
13 (파란색) up to 3
14 (파란색) down to 24
3 (파란색) down to 13
13 (파란색) right to 14
22 (금) up to 12
24 (파란색) right to 25
33 (파란색) up to 23
23 (파란색) down to 33
33 (파란색) left to 32
12 (금) down to 22
22 (금) right to 23
23 (금) up twice to 3
14 (파란색) left twice to 12
3 (금) down to 13
13 (금) right twice to 15
16 (파란색) down to 26
15 (금) right to 16
17 (파란색) down to 27
16 (금) right to 17
26 (파란색) up to 16
27 (파란색) down to 37
38 (파란색) up to 28
28 (파란색) left to 27
17 (금) right to 18
27 (파란색) up to 17
18 (금) down to 28
28 (금) right twice to 30 (end)

이 가이드는 잃어버린 땅: Sand Captivity 에 의해 작성되었습니다 NS Plover. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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