포켓몬 GO 커뮤니티 데이 #2 Features Dratini With Special Move Draco Meteor

Starting on February 24th, Niantic will be having the 2nd Pokemon GO Community Day event featuring 3x Stardust, 3-hour Lures, and spawn rate increase for Dratini that will offer an exclusive move Draco Meteor once evolved into a Dragonite.

포켓몬 GO 커뮤니티 데이 #2

유사한 first Pokemon GO Community Day, the second Community Day event will follow the same time slot to activate the event features. In case you’re still unaware of the schedule, here’s the time for each region:

  • The Asia-Pacific region: ~에서 12:00 P.M. 에게 3:00 P.M. JST (그리니치 표준시 +9)
  • 유럽, the Middle East, Africa, and India: ~에서 10:00 A.M. 에게 1:00 P.M. UTC (그리니치 표준시 +0)
  • The Americas and Greenland: ~에서 11:00 A.M. 에게 2:00 P.M. PST (그리니치 표준시 -8)

In addition to the event details, Niantic has confirmed that the Charged TMs and Fast TMs will not grant exclusive moves during the Pokemon GO Community Day event. In order to get the exclusive move Draco Meteor for Dragonite, trainers must catch a Dragonite or evolve Dratini during the Community Day hours.

Meaning if you missed the second Pokemon GO Community Day event on February 24th you will no longer have a chance to get the exclusive move.

저자 소개

게임 블로거, 스카이다이버와 엄마 2. 아르바이트 작가이자 게이머이기도 하다. 지금과 같은, 나는 PC에서만 게임을 한다.. 하지만 누가 알겠는가, 언젠가 PS4를 살 수도 있겠네요.