포켓몬 GO 체육관

Pokemon GO가 일시적으로 체육관 거리 상호 작용을 두 배로 늘렸습니다.

As the COVID-19 outbreak continues, Niantic is continuously making some Pokemon GO in-game improvements to cope with the situation. 다음 Raid from home announcement, Pokemon GO temporarily made some changes with the gym interaction.

According to the official blog post, players will be experiencing a double range of gym interactions, making it easier to reach Gyms for spinning and Raid battles. 그 동안에, there is no distance change to reach PokeStops. Check out Niantic’s statement below.

The distance from which you can interact with Gyms has been temporarily doubled, allowing you to be farther from Gyms and other Trainers as you challenge Raid Bosses. This change also allows you to spin Photo Discs at Gyms if you are within the doubled distance; 하지만, it will not change the distance required to spin Photo Discs at PokéStops.

With the on-going quarantine and lockdown in most cities and countries around the world, Pokemon GO players now have more reason to stay at home and continue playing the game without violating any rules and risking their health.

What do you think of the new features that are being activated temporarily? Make sure to let us know in the comments below.

저자 소개

An ambitious Electronics engineer in the making. You can usually find her at the library or at the bedroom playing her favorite game Pokemon Sun and Moon. She's currently based in Japan for her internship.