포켓몬GO 발렌타인데이 이벤트 2018 특징 Chansey, 샤이니 러브디스크와 트리플 스타더스트

Niantic just announced the Pokemon GO Valentines Day Event 2018 featuring some pink Pokemon including Chansey, Luvdisc and even included Shiny Luvdisc. Along with these Pokemon spawn increase, the event also brings the 3x Stardust for each Luvdisc caught during the event.

Pokemon GO Valentines Day Event Features:

  • Spawn rate increase for pink Pokemon, 하지만, Luvdisc and Chansey has a greater chance of spawn rate during the event
  • Triple Stardust for catching Chansey and Luvdisc
  • In addition to the spawn increase for some Pokemon, Shiny Luvdisc has also been spotted in the wild

저자 소개

게임 블로거, 스카이다이버와 엄마 2. 아르바이트 작가이자 게이머이기도 하다. 지금과 같은, 나는 PC에서만 게임을 한다.. 하지만 누가 알겠는가, 언젠가 PS4를 살 수도 있겠네요.