Redtape Achievement Walkthrough Guide

이 안내서에서, I will provide a walkthrough on how to obtain all achievements in Redtape with a 100% completion rate.


  • 예상 난이도: 1/10
  • 추정된 100% 시간: 1-2 시간
  • 오프라인/온라인 업적: 14 오프라인 / 0 온라인
  • 플레이 횟수: 1.
  • 결함이 있는 업적: 없음
  • 놓칠 수 없는 업적: 4

놓칠 수 없는 업적

Below is a list of all the achievements that are possible to miss while playing the game.

Found Me!

  • 이 성과를 얻으려면, you need to reach the 7th floor of the game and interact with the books located behind the lawyer in the lawyer’s office. Once you do this, the achievement will be unlocked.

To Steal from a Thief!

  • In order to obtain this achievement, you must refrain from returning Cupid’s Bow on the second floor of the game. If you succeed in keeping the item in your inventory until the end of the game and exit the game with the box still in your possession, 업적이 잠금 해제됩니다.


  • You can obtain this achievement by giving Manaus a cup of coffee without any ice. 이것을하기 위해, simply retrieve a cup of coffee from the machine in the kitchen and immediately give it to Manaus. If you successfully give him the coffee without any ice, the achievement will be unlocked.

Word of Mouth

  • 이 성과를 얻으려면, you must speak with all the characters in the game and convince them to follow the company’s social media account after obtaining the phone on the 6th floor. 업적을 잠금 해제하려면, you will need to accumulate 1004 followers on the phone. If you are having difficulty finding the last follower, make sure to talk to the vault keeper.

스토리 업적

The remaining achievements are all related to the game’s storyline and can be obtained simply by completing the game from beginning to end.

이 가이드는 Redtape 에 의해 작성되었습니다 Kitsune. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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