레지던트 이블 7 생물학적 위험

레지던트 이블 7 생물학적 위험 – 당신에게 필요한 유일한 총 업적 가이드

This guide will be covering the steps on how you can get the Resident Evil 7 Biohazard achievement called The Only Guns You Need. If you’re one of the players having a hard time obtaining this achievement, 이 가이드는 당신을 위한 것입니다.

Before we start with our guide, please note that this post may contain spoilers in the game. 자신의 책임하에 계속 읽으십시오.

당신에게 필요한 유일한 총 업적 가이드

Your main problem for getting the coveted achievement will be infected alligators waiting for you in the water. You will not be able to get around them, the vile reptiles will attack you and kill you. You will also not be able to use spears, because then you will not get the achievement for which you, 사실은, came here.

하지만, there is a way out! The fact is that the game does not consider metal gloves as weapons, one of which you find at the end of the game. I recommend that you complete this DLC on heavy difficulty so that you can get the AMGdual version for both hands as a reward.

Now about how to get rid of the nasty alligators. It’s simple. Charge both gloves at the same time by holding down the right and left mouse buttons, and then strike in the direction of the reptile. The fact is that the gloves create a powerful shock wave that hits on fairly good distance. You will stay safe, and the monster will die.

레지던트 이블 7 생물학적 위험

I recommend getting this achievement on a medium difficulty level. There is no point in deliberately complicating your life and dragging yourself to hardcore.

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