Syberia The World Before - 프롤로그

Syberia: The World Before – 프롤로그 달성 가이드

This guide will be covering the steps on how to obtain all achievements in Syberia: The World Before – 프롤로그. If you think we missed something, 아래에 의견을 남겨주세요..

Syberia: The World Before – 프롤로그 달성 가이드

A mark for posterityDraw for the bookseller

  • The first achievement is a bit tricky. What you need to do is follow the street, go up the stairs but do NOT yet enter the square. 대신에, 오른쪽으로, there is an alley. Enter it and find the store owner, whose store has been vandalised.

Syberia The World Before - 프롤로그

Budding virtuoso Take the music exam

  • This is an achievement you cannot miss. Simply go to the square and play the piano, a cutscene will be shown and you will be granted the achievement.

Childhood memoryListen to the music box’s song

  • When you get the package from the guard, simply click on the bird statue and pull the mechanism on it; music should start playing and you will be granted the achievement.

The train’s Head OfficerMake the dead officer lose his head

  • When you enter the train car, inspect the dead body in front of the desk. You want to observe the skull; when doing so it will fall off and you will be granted the achievement.

To be continued – 프롤로그를 마치고

  • This is an achievement you cannot miss. Simply finish the prologue and you will be granted the achievement.

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