
Thymesia Controls for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|에스

Developer OverBorder Studio and publisher Team17 have officially launched their newest action RPG, 티메시아. The game will bring you into a kingdom where death spreads, and your character will have to find the truth behind these awful events.

With all the dangers that you’re about to encounter, it is a wise choice to know the game’s basics. Before you start your adventure, you can find the full Thymesia controls below.

Thymesia Controls

The following are the default Thymesia key bindings. 게임의 설정 섹션에서 이러한 기본 컨트롤을 다시 매핑할 수 있습니다..

Let’s start this guide with the controls for PC.

앞으로 움직이다
뒤로 이동에스
왼쪽으로 이동
오른쪽으로 이동해라
Saber Attack왼쪽 마우스 버튼
Claw Attack마우스 오른쪽 버튼
Plague Weapon 11
Plague Weapon 22
Switch Plague Weapon
스프린트 (비녀장)왼쪽 시프트
Camera Lock On마우스 가운데 버튼
Use Potion
상호 작용이자형
걷다왼쪽 Alt
Feather Attack왼쪽 Ctrl
메뉴 열기Esc
Thymesia Controls

마우스 및 키보드 지원 외에도, the developer of the game has also confirmed that Thymesia has full controller support on PC. 아래에, you can find the Thymesia gamepad controls, which are also the same controls for the PlayStation version of the game.

움직임왼쪽 아날로그 스틱
Saber AttackR1
Claw AttackR2
Plague Weapon 1정사각형
Plague Weapon 2삼각형
Switch Plague Weapon방향 패드 아래로
스프린트 (비녀장)L3
Camera Lock OnR3
Use Potion방향키 위로
상호 작용십자가
Feather AttackL2
메뉴 열기Options button
Thymesia PS5 Controls

With all the listed Thymesia controls above, you’re now ready to start your very own journey. You can also check the beginner-friendly guide and tips by Loot the Box.

This concludes our Thymesia controls guide. 게임의 주요 컨트롤을 놓친 경우, 이 가이드를 업데이트할 수 있도록 주저하지 말고 알려주세요..

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