This guide will be showing you the default Metal Dogs keyboard and gamepad controls for PC. Please note that you can modify these buttons by simply going to the settings menu of Metal Dogs.
Metal Dogs Controls
Action | Keyboard | Gamepad |
Move Up / Move Cursor Up | W | Left Stick |
Move Left / Move Cursor Left | A | Left Stick |
Move Down / Move Cursor Down | S | Left Stick |
Move Right / Move Cursor Right | D | Left Stick |
Decide | F or Enter | A |
Cancel | C or Esc | B |
Weapon Left | J | X |
Weapon Center | K | Y |
Weapon Right | L | B |
Collar Action | U | LB |
Reload All Weapons | R | RB |
Lock-On | Shift | LT |
Dodge | Spacebar | RT |
Consumable 1 | 1 | D-Pad Left |
Consumable 2 | 2 | D-Pad Right |
Switch Minimaps | M | D-Pad Up |
Main Menu | Q | Menu Button |
Option Menu | P | View Button |
Multiple Selection / Unequip | E | – |
Lock-On: Target Change | – | Right Stick |
Slots Bulk Sale | G | – |
Sort | X | – |
Change Character | Z | – |
Did we miss any control keys for Metal Dogs? Please let us know in the comments below and we will update this Metal Dogs controls guide.