Neon White

Neon White Controls and Shortcuts Guide

Neon White is undoubtedly one of the most successful games released by Annapurna Interactive. The game has almost the same vibe as Mirror’s Edge, where you will be running around while defeating the enemies. But unlike Mirror’s Edge, Neon White has a lot more features to offer, which is why this game is pretty doing well on Steam.

If you’re one of the players who are just getting started in the game, you surely don’t want to be left behind. Well, it’s a speedrunning FPS game, right? Before you start the action, we recommend that you check the full list of Neon White controls below.

Neon White Controls

As confirmed by the game developer, Neon White can be played using both a mouse and keyboard and a gamepad controller. You can also modify and remap these default key bindings and controls in the settings section of the game. Just make sure to hit the “Apply Changes” button to save any action remapping.

Let’s start off this guide with the mouse and keyboard controls:

Fire CardLeft Mouse Button
Use Weapon Ability / DiscardRight Mouse Button
Swap Held CardQ
MovementW A S D
LookMouse Movement
Pause MenuEsc
Neon White Controls

As mentioned earlier, you can also play Neon White using a gamepad controller. Here’s the default button that you should remember:

Fire CardRT
Use Weapon Ability / DiscardRB
Swap Held CardLB
MoveLeft Analog Stick
LookRight Analog Stick
RestartView Button
Pause MenuMenu Button
Neon White Gamepad Controls

With all of the listed Neon White key bindings and shortcuts above, you’re now ready to face the enemies and other demon slayers. Good luck, Neon!

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