Detroit: Become Human

Detroit: Become Human PC Crack Status, Progress, en Updates

Initially released for PS4 in 2018, Detroit: Become Human has officially arrived on Windows PC last December 12th.

Developed and published on PC by Quantic Dream, Detroit: Become Human will be following the same story of Kara, Connor, and Markus as seen in the PS4 version. Given the fact that it’s now available on PC, many fans are asking if the game has already been cracked

Detroit: Become Human

Om je snel antwoord te geven, Detroit: Become Human for PC hasn’t been cracked yet. The game is using Denuvu DRM protection and knowing that popular games such as Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is also using the same DRM protection, which is now cracked, there’s a chance we may also be seeing the cracked version of the game soon.

Detroit: Become Human is currently available on Epic Games Store and this could be one of the reasons why video game pirates haven’t fully cracked the game yet. Unlike Steam games, games available in Epic Games Store is a bit tricky.

Detroit: Become Human

Video game piracy is one of the biggest problems that developers and publishers on PC are facing right now. Wij, bij Game N-gidsen, ondersteunen geen enkele vorm van piraterij. If you want to play one of the greatest PS4 games on PC, the Detroit: Become Human, we highly recommend grabbing the game from the officiële distributeur.

Over de auteur

King is een voormalig werknemer van een IT-bedrijf in Canada. Hij werkt nu aan hun familiebedrijf. Hij houdt ook van gamen en schrijven.