Everspace 2

[OPGELOST] Everspace 2 Zwart scherm, Bevriezing, en crashproblemen

Everspace 2, developed and published by Rockfish Games, is now available on PC and many players have already started their space exploration. While some are having fun playing the game, it seems that there are players who are having some in-game issues.

Some of the reported issues in Everspace 2 is the random game crashing, zwart scherm, and game freeze during the battle. This kind of issues is a bit annoying, especially when you’re already winning the game.

For those who are getting this kind of issues in Everspace 2, we’re here to give you some of the most common solutions to fix the black screen, bevriezen, and game crashing.

Aan de slag

At the very start of our troubleshooting process, eerst, we have to check if your PC meets the requirements of the game. Below are the system requirements of Everspace 2.

Minimale vereisten

  • Besturingssysteem: ramen 10 64-beetje
  • Verwerker: Intel Core [email protected] or AMD FX [email protected]
  • Geheugen: 8 GB-RAM
  • Afbeeldingen: Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 (3 NL) of AMD Radeon R9 290 (4NL)

Aanbevolen vereisten

  • Besturingssysteem: ramen 10 64-beetje
  • Verwerker: Intel Core [email protected] of Ryzen 5 1500X@3,5 GHz
  • Geheugen: 16 GB-RAM
  • Afbeeldingen: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 (6 NL) of AMD Radeon RX 580 (8NL)

Did you at least meet the minimum requirements? If no, then you have to get a hardware upgrade to play Everspace 2. Zo ja, then below are the fixes that you can try.

Aanbevolen oplossingen

  1. Verify game integrity on Steam
  2. Download the latest drivers
  3. Stop resource-hogging applications
  4. Disable or exclude the game from antivirus

Verify Game Integrity on Steam

Every time that you encounter the game crashing on Everspace 2, je moet eerst de integriteit van het spel verifiëren. This process will repair any damaged or missing files that cause your Everspace 2 game to crash. Hieronder vindt u de stappen om dit te doen:

  1. Open Steam en klik op het tabblad Bibliotheek.
  2. Aan de linkerkant, find and right-click Everspace 2’s icon.
  3. Selecteer Eigenschappen en ga naar het tabblad Lokale bestanden.
  4. Klik op de “Controleer de integriteit van gamebestanden…” knop.

Wacht tot de verificatie is voltooid en kijk of het probleem is opgelost. Als niet, doorgaan naar de volgende stap.

Download the Latest Drivers

Nog een reden waarom jij’re getting a black screen and random game crash while playing Everspace 2 is your outdated drivers. Hieronder staan ​​de downloadlinks waar u de nieuwste en officiële stuurprogramma's voor uw computer kunt downloaden.

All links above are from the official sources. Verified and safe!

Stop Resource-Hogging Applications

De kans is groot dat u veel toepassingen op uw pc hebt geïnstalleerd. Some of these applications have been constantly using the resources that possibly trigger Everspace 2 crashen. We highly suggest closing the software that you are not using while playing Everspace 2.

Some of the most popular applications that eat lots of resources while in the background are web browsers such as Firefox and Chrome Browser, media players, en meer. You can close these apps by closing them using the Task Manager.

Schakel het spel uit of sluit het uit van uw antivirusprogramma

Another reason why Everspace 2 blijft crashen op pc is uw antivirus. Antivirus companies such as Bitdefender, AVG, en meer, have been usually updating their software to enhance security. Daar’s a chance that Everspace 2’s executable file (.ex) wordt gemarkeerd als een virus.

If you download the Everspace 2 from the official site such as Steam, wij’met betrekking tot 100% zorg ervoor dat de gamebestanden veilig zijn. Dus, you have to exclude the .exe of Everspace 2 en kijk of het probleem is opgelost.

Are you still having some issues while playing Everspace 2 nadat u de bovenstaande aanbevolen methoden hebt uitgevoerd? Zo ja, we highly suggest that you visit and contact the official support of the game as this might be an issue from the game itself.

Over de auteur

Earl is een van die gamers die bijna alle nieuwe games speelt. Maar hij speelt liever FPS en open-wereldgames.