How to Get All Cursed Crowns in Survival Mixtape in Kingdom Eighties

There ARE cursed crowns to be obtained in survival mixtapes, its requirements, Echter, isn’t given. I’ll show you the exact requirements for all of them and give hints on how to obtain them.

The basics

In survival mixtapes, dag 1 is always a peaceful day.
Blood moon waves come on day 7, 14, 21, enz., unlike the ones in previous games in this series, it comes from both sides.

Greeds retreat on regular waves upon sunrise, but they never retreat on blood moon waves, you’ll have to fight them till the end.

Crown stealers are reintroduced and always appear in blood moon waves.

The maps are randomly generated and features 3 random steeds and a few tax chests ramdomly located. The construction sites of walls and turrets are mostly random as well. Therefore rewinding for a better map is a good way to get started.

No escape from camp kingdom

The cursed crown requirement is survive 22 dagen, in another word, 3 blood moon waves.

It has the lowest requirement of all mixtapes and therefore is by far the easiest.

Back to the suburbs

The curesd crown requires 29 dagen, in another word, 4 blood moon waves. A bit of a challenge.

Note that at the very start of the game, population is as important as finance, and they’re both more important than high tier tech. Therefore despite rescuing wiz is of high priority, it can wait.

Greed: first goo

The cursed crown requirement is as well 29 dag, 4 blood moon waves, this one is not very difficult.

Both population and finance requires expansion. So start the march as long as you have 8 archers.
By tackling the counter attack waves by moving back bit by bit (save the dustbin from major attacks), you’ll be able to clear out all portals in one go.

Fast times at new lands mall

Another 29 dagen, 4 blood moon waves.

The recruitment in this map is similar to that in two crowns: vagrant camps that turn into citizen houses when forests nearby are cut down. Since citizen houses are a great burden to your finance, only cut those forests down when you feel confident.


The final survival mixtape, and by far THE hardest, it makes the others look like child’s play.

It takes place in the map of chapter 2, but it requires 36 days to get the curse crown, equivalent to 5 blood moons survived. To make things really bad, walls and turrets destruct can never be reconstructed. This means that new strategies must be implemented to cope with this disadvantage.

Since the destruction of walls and turrets are almost inevitable in later waves, it’s wise to never let any wall fall down during early game. To make sure of that, always be on the march and use the dustbin as a martyr exterior wall and the machine as an extra turret. This should also be used during late game to reduce loss.

It’s also notable that crown stealers only appear in blood moon waves. Daarom, monarchs with no financial burden can slow down greeds for a bit with their own self——when their purse is emptied, their crown falls inside the wall, so it’s nothing to worry about.

Bovendien, it’s obvious that you can only be on one side at a time. So it’s advisable to be on one side only during the first 4 weeks and on the other side only during the last week. Only in that way can one survive the devastating final blood moon.

My pb is 5 blood moons survived. After that night, one side of my kingdom has no walls or turrets left, and the other side has only a few. There’s no way it can make it through even another regular night.

This challenge is brutal, if you are that of a raving completionist that forces yourself to get the cursed crown, be prepared to play a good couple of times.

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