Today, Blizzard has released the newest Overwatch update version 2.86 bringing some character balancing and minor game changes.
The new Overwatch update 2.86 has been rolled out today, April 6th, on all platforms. Check out the full Overwatch update changelog below.
Overwatch Update 2.86 Patch Notes
Hero Updates
The Viper
- Magazine size increased from 12 to 15
- Shots no longer queue up the next shot if pressed slightly before recovery has finished
- Unscoped shots to reach maximum spread increased from 4 to 6
- Unscoped shots can now be fired much more quickly after firing a scoped shot
- You can now start reloading much more quickly after firing a scoped shot
Shuriken (Secondary Fire)
- Recovery lowered from 0.75 to 0.65 seconds
Endothermic Blaster
- Maximum ammo reduced from 200 to 120
Endothermic Blaster (Secondary Fire)
- Ammo cost reduced from 20 to 10
Rocket Launcher
- Explosion damage increased from 65 to 80
- Impact damage decreased from 55 to 40
- Steadfast passive knockback resistance reduced from 50% to 30%
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused Ashe’s unscoped fire to become unusable
- Fixed a bug that caused Ashe’s weapon to appear incorrectly in the Kill Feed
Overwatch is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.