Paradise Lost FPS Drop, Lag, and Performance Issues Fix

In this guide, we will be sharing with you the best settings to avoid Paradise Lost FPS drop, low frame-rate, in-game lag, and other performance issues. If you’re one of the players who have been getting Paradise Lost performance issues, make sure to check the tips below.

How to Fix Paradise Lost FPS Drop Issues

While there are players who have been getting a good Paradise Lost gaming experience, there are also some gamers who are in constant lag and low FPS. If you’re one of the players getting this kind of issue in Paradise Lost, here’s our recommendation to fix this problem.

Fix 1: GPU Settings Optimization

For Nvidia users, here are the steps for how you can optimize Paradise Lost on your PC.

  1. Open Nvidia Control Panel. Simply right-click on your desktop and hit the program.
  2. Go to Manage 3D Settings and choose Paradise Lost from the Program Settings.
  3. Set Power Management to Prefer Maximum Power.

For AMD users, check the steps below to get the good settings.

  1. Open Radeon Settings. Simply right-click on your desktop and hit the program.
  2. Once done, click Settings > Switchable Graphics > and choose Paradise Lost. If the game is not listed, hit the Browse button and search for the .exe file of Paradise Lost.
  3. Change settings to High Performance.
  4. Click Apply to save changes.

Nvidia and AMD control panel also offers lots of optimization that you can play with. Some of the features that you can look at are Sharpening, Anisotropic Filtering, OpenGL Triple Buffering, Texture Filtering Quality, and more. If your monitor supports the G-Sync feature, you can try enabling that one too.

Fix 2: Windows Graphic Settings Prioritization

Usually, the settings that have been mentioned above will already fix the FPS drop and other performance issues in Paradise Lost. But if you want to get more improvement, please following the steps below.

  1. Open Graphics Settings from your computer. You can easily access this option by typing Graphics Settings in the search bar.
  2. By default, you will be seeing the Classic App.
  3. Click Browse and search for the .exe file of Paradise Lost.
  4. Click Options and select High Performance.
  5. Click the Save button to save changes.
  6. Go to the installation folder of Paradise Lost and launch the game as an administrator.

Fix 3: Update GPU Drivers

Graphics card manufacturers have been constantly releasing new updates on their product to optimize every new application that is being released in the market. If you haven’t updated your graphics card for a while now, you should definitely get the new update today. We have already compiled the links below to make things easier for you.

Fix 4: Paradise Lost Visual Settings

Last but not least is the actual visual optimization inside Paradise Lost. By default, Paradise Lost will be automatically choosing the medium settings for your PC. Depending on your hardware, you can play with the graphic settings in the game.

Upon setting up the Paradise Lost graphics settings, you can try playing the game and see if you’re getting a good FPS. Steam has a feature to show the actual FPS while in-game. To do this, go to Steam > Settings > In-game FPS counter > choose the location. If you want to use a third-party application to see the FPS, we recommend using MSI Afterburner.

About the author

Earl is one of those gamers who will play almost any new games. But he more prefers playing FPS and open world games.