Wszystkie doktryny podstawowe ZSRR/Niemcy w wezwaniu do broni – Bramy piekieł: front wschodni

All base doctrines, without Finland and DLC Scorched Earth.

ZSRR, Early war

[All-Round] Multipurpose

[Obronny] Heavy Firepower

[Irregular] Support Unit

[Offensive] Land Battleships

ZSRR, Mid War

[All-Round] Guards Unit

[Obronny] Not One Step Back!

[Irregular] Reserves

[Offensive] Spearhead

ZSRR, Late War

[All-Round] Lend-Lease

[Obronny] Breakthrough

[Irregular] Demolition

[Offensive] Shock Army

Niemcy, Early War

[All-Round] Beutepanzer

[Obronny] Wacht am Rhein

[Irregular] Air Domination

[Offensive] Blitzkrieg

Niemcy, Mid War

[All-Round] Grenadier Unit

[Obronny] Auxiliary Defense

[Irregular] Special Taskforce

[Offensive] Heavy Battalion

Niemcy, Late War

[All-Round] Volksgrenadiere

[Obronny] Defense of the Reich

[Irregular] Veterans

[Offensive] Kampfgruppe

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