Jak łatwo hodować ryby w Chillquarium

How to gain the maximum amount of XP per hour growing your Chillquarium

The Guide

Hello and welcome to my short and sweet guide on how to maximise your total fish XP gain on Chillquarium! Please note that this is very time intensive and doesn’t make it as idle as it should be. Jednakże, it does speed up the process to get those fish big and sold for those extra bucks $$$

The Download

Now we’re going to be using an auto clicker and you can probably see where this is going!

Just download any auto clicker you can find online if needed but for this guide i will be using one called OP Auto Clicker 3.0.

The XP Gains

To start off you want to load up the application and make sure all the settings are set as i have done here.

Make sure that Prawidłowy click is the one being clicked and not left click. Also make sure theRepeat until stoppedhas been checked or it’ll stop after a certain amount of clicks.

Set the time to whatever you want as the quicker you have it clicking the more XP you’ll be getting i have mine set on 10 milliseconds but you can literally put it down to 1 Jeśli potrzebne.

Then hit F6 or if you’re using another auto clicker hit which ever key it has bound to start the software.

You can either than start dragging your mouse all over your fishes or if you want to target a singular fish, drag and follow it around just in front of its mouth and it’ll soon just keep following you around while it’s automatically spamming food at them.

Because the food is being spammed so quickly it does disappear very fast so try to keep your mouse close to fish at all times.

The Conclusion

So there we go, a quick and simple guide to maximise your fish growth. If there are any other tips or tricks be feel to leave them down in the comments and i can add them to this guide to expand it further and i’ll be sure to credit you for it!

Or you could just play it like a normal person and have it running in a background or on your second monitor but we don’t talk about thatAlso name the famous golden goldfish you see in the guide image as he’s lacking a name

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