Jak zoptymalizować produkcję miejską w Anno 1800

Jeśli nie wiesz, jak umieścić swoje budynki, jeśli Twoi mieszkańcy buntują się z powodu braku dostępu do wybranych miejsc, lub jeśli martwisz się pojawieniem się fabryk rozproszonych w różnych miejscach?
Za wszystko, co Cię martwi, istnieje już rozwiązanie – ten przewodnik. Here you will not only learn how to build your cities beautifully and elegantly, but also how to organize your productions efficiently and easily.

Optimization of the location of the city old world

This scheme is designed with access to 3rd class townspeople, so you may have some gaps. You can fill them in, or leave them empty for the futureas you like.

You can also use a different layout scheme. The advantages are only in the number of places for housing, but the disadvantages are less modularity, lack of places for decorations, some gaps in the necessary buildings.

Sawmills and wood harvesting

Scheme for logging: And for processing wood: Please note that one logging operation requires one sawmill.


Here you have two options. This one: This one. Just remember that a middle-level composition is required here.

Work clothes

Dobrze, this is it:



Several options. Pierwszy 2 require an average level of composition.


Ponownie, several options. The latter needs a completely improved composition.


Canned food

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