Poszarpany Sojusz 3 Porady i wskazówki dla początkujących

Poszarpany Sojusz 3 to wymagająca gra o zaskakującej głębi, ale także karzące przeżycie.

Złożyłem brief, lista wskazówek bez spoilerów, które naprawdę chciałbym wiedzieć, kiedy dopiero zaczynałem, in particular the first tip is a game changer and the sole motivator of me creating this guide because it feels like a core mechanic that I didn’t stumble across until many hours in.

Porady i wskazówki dla początkujących

Tip one;
The most valuable tip hereyou can create your own mercenary, who does not cost you ANY upkeep!
You can assign the mercs stats and perks in any way you like, to create a fighter, support character sneaky assassin or hybrid of your choice!
But the most important aspect is that this mercenary never costs you any upkeep, you pay the initial cost and that’s it, saving you, quite literally, hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars compared to any other mercenary.
Wczesna gra, atleast until you acquire your first mine, money is a serious issue as you have zero income other than what you scavenge, while your mercs wages eat away at your funds.

To get this mercenary, you need to navigate to the in-game browser.
F2 key for short, or from the map/satellite screen, click command, then browser.
From the browser, click on the I.M.P Web tab and take the P.E.T test.
Pay the one off fee of $7000, take the test and your latest hire will be made available.
Osobiście, I’d highly recommend including this custom made character as part of your initial squad. Your bank account will be greatful.

Wskazówka 2;
Pressing left alt key toggles on and off visual indicators which highlight lootable containers/corpses and things of interest.

There a few valuables that the game tells you to sell, but actually have other uses, which I generally discovered too late.
:Tiny diamondsyou can sell them at any time for $500, but that is a poor use of them.
There is a merchant that trades information for diamonds, and who also offers boxes of random (but extremely high quality) loot for them.
There is a character who will purchase tiny diamonds from you for $600, lub $700 each after a successful conversation check.
:Bags of Grand Chien currency can be traded to an unusual merchant for rare crafting materials and other random goods including but not limited to explosives and parts.
:Ancient artificats can be given to a story character in exchange for loyalty and she will give you several milita soldiers to assign to any of your owned provinces.

Wskazówka 4;
Each world map location/square can and should be entered and explored. Even if enemies are not present and the location has no significance for quests or merchants, you can find loot, hackable objects, intel, scavengeble parts and medicinal herbs, all of which are extremely important.

Wskazówka 5;
Every occupied sector has a stash that you can use for storage. From the map screen, opening the inventory will display the stash of the sector that your squad is standing in.
W przeciwnym razie, on the bottom right of the map screen, there is a series of buttons to toggle what you see on the map, the 4th from the top is to highlight all sector stashes so you can see what items are in which stash.
Pamiętać, that stashed gear can only be retrieved if a squad is in that sector.

Wskazówka 6;
Ammo and explosives can be crafted if your squad contains a merc with explosives skills and you are at a location with a workshop. Most city centers have a workshop, otherwise look for tiles that have a marker that looks like a house with a wrench icon.

Wskazówka 7;
Ads for A.I.M Gold will start popping up. Ten $20,000 service does nothing but allow you the privilege to hire legendary mercenaries.
Be aware that these mercs cost more upkeep than a single early-mid game diamond mine can keep up with, let alone a squad.

Wskazówka 8;
Time resting can heal wounds (remaining idle on the world map, neither moving or participating in an operation), a process that is sped up if the mercenaries are performing the R&R operation inside towns. This is a very slow method of healing, but if you are out of increasingly scarce meds it is an option.

Wskazówka 9;
The conversation perks such as psycho, negotiation, scoundrel ect are very handy, and several quests are locked without them.

Wskazówka 10;
Establishing militia squads in conquered provinces does pay off long term.
Aside from securing your conquered territory, as they repel attackers any loot (including from killed defenders) is put into the sector stash providing another way to gain ammunition, weapons and scrap.

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