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Rozdział One Piece 962 Data premiery i spoilery: Co wiemy do tej pory

Zauważyć: This page has been updated. Check out the latest update at the bottom of the story.

Following the one-week break, One Piece manga is finally returning this week. Eiichiro Oda is currently sharing the fun and epic adventure of Kozuki Oden in the past few chapters, which is why fans are excited to read One Piece Chapter 962.

If you’re looking for the release date and where to read the new manga, continue reading our quick guide below.

When is One Piece Chapter 962 Data wydania?

Rozdział One Piece 933

Since Eiichiro Oda is finally back to his office after a one-week break, expect to see the new One Piece manga chapter this weekend. Zwykle, the digital scans of the One Piece manga release earlier. Więc, you should be able to see it between November 15-17th, depending on where you read the manga.

For the magazine, Rozdział One Piece 962 will be available on November 17th along with Pogromca demonów and other manga that are currently published in Weekly Shōnen Jump.

Is there a One Piece Chapter 962 spoiler and raw scans?

Jednoczęściowi piraci ze Słomianego Kapelusza

One Piece is one of the hottest manga that is usually getting spoilers before it officially releases. To powiedziawszy, spodziewaj się zobaczyć Rozdział One Piece 962 spoilery a day before it went live.

Od pisania, there are still no available leaked spoilers for this chapter. Jednakże, we will be updating this post once we found one. If you want to see the latest spoilers, make sure to bookmark this page and come back later.

Aktualizacja: Rozdział One Piece 962 spoilers is out. You can check out the leaked spoilers from tutaj.

O autorze

Billy jest fanem anime. W wolnym czasie uwielbia czytać mangę i oglądać anime. Jego ulubione serie anime i manga to One Piece i Hunter x Hunter.