Przewodnik po cichych kontrolkach i skrótach Pitch

Are you ready to enter and survive the underground world of Eden? Before you start your journey, this page will show you the list of all Pitch Silent controls using a mouse and keyboard or gamepad controller. Pitch Silent is an FPS survival video game developed and published by Scott Craighead. The game is available on Windows PC via Steam.

Pitch Silent Controls

The following are the default Pitch Silent key bindings. Aby zmienić domyślne sterowanie grą, go to Options > Sterownica.

OgieńLewy przycisk myszy
CelPrawy przycisk myszy
Następna brońKółko myszy w górę
Poprzednia brońKółko myszy w dół
Kaczkaklawisz kontrolny
Do przoduW
Do tyłuS
Menu pauzywyjście
Pitch Silent Controls

Oprócz obsługi myszy i klawiatury, you can also play Pitch Silent by using a gamepad controller. The game already has a default setup for controllers, so all you need to do is insert your controller into the game.

You can also refer to the default controller setup below. The left part is the default for the PlayStation controller, while the right part is the default for Xbox or generic controllers.

This concludes our Pitch Silent controls guide. In case we missed any important details for this guide, nie wahaj się i daj nam znać.

O autorze

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