Dyniowy Jack

Dyniowy Jack: Wszystkie lokalizacje Crow Skull w Skeletown

Developer and publisher of Pumpkin Jack have officially released the game. Just like any other video games, players can find different items in the game.

One of these items is called Crow Skull and there are plenty of these collectable items scattered in Skeletown. If you want to collect all these Crow Skull, you will be able to unlock the achievement called Hobbysta Czaszek.

If you’re playing Pumpkin Jack on Xbox One, you check the full list of achievements for the game tutaj.

Dyniowy Jack

Wszystkie lokalizacje Crow Skull w Skeletown

W tej chwili, jest w sumie 21 Crow Skull scattered all over the map of Skeletown. If you just follow the story of the game, you might miss some of these Crow Skull as they are hidden somewhere in the map.

To help you collect all these Crow Skulls, below is the video detailing the exact locations of all Crow Skull.

O autorze

Earl jest jednym z tych graczy, którzy zagrają w prawie każdą nową grę. Ale bardziej woli grać w FPS i gry z otwartym światem.