Niantic announced that the featured Pokemon for the Pokemon GO Community Day for January 2020 is Piplup, a water-type Pokemon introduced in Generation IV.
Similar to the previous Community Day Event, January 2020 Community Day will also feature extravagant in-game bonuses. These include the 3-hour span Lure Modules, 1/4 egg hatch distance, and spawn rate increase of the featured Pokemon.
In addition, Piplup evolved until it reaches Empoleon will be able to learn the special move for this event. As per usual, expect to see the Shiny Piplup during the event period.
Pokemon GO January 2020 Community Day will be on January 19, 2020. Countries in the Northern Hemisphere to experience this event from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM while Southern Hemisphere will be from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM both local timezone.