Just a few hours after the return of the Legendary Lugia in Pokemon GO, there have been reports that its shiny form is also available. We confirmed it and yes, it’s true. In addition to the shiny Lugia, it seems like Niantic has added more Pokemon as a Raid Boss.
The new update version 0.95.3 brings more six new Raid Bosses in Tier 1 through Tier 4. We will be posting a complete guide to beat these new Raid Bosses but for the meantime, here are the new Raid Bosses in Pokemon GO.
New Raid Bosses In Pokemon GO (March Update)
Tier 2
- Electabuzz
- Manectric
Tier 3
- Gengar
- Jolteon
- Jynx
- Piloswine
Tier 4
- Golem
Tier 5 (Legendary Raids)
- Lugia