Salvar jogo American Truck Simulator 100% Estrada explorada

Are you having a hard time exploring all the roads in American Truck Simulator? Neste artigo, we will be sharing you the game save file that will unlock all the roads in American Truck Simulator.

Simulador de caminhão americano

Salvar jogo American Truck Simulator


This game save will unlock all the roads in American Truck Simulator version 1.39, including all the DLC released for the game. If your game version is higher, you can still try this game save file, since we’re expecting to have a 100% compatibility. In case the save file didn’t work, you can try our other game saves for ATS.

Como instalar

  1. Baixe o save do jogo clicando aqui link.
  2. Extraia o arquivo em sua área de trabalho.
  3. Copy all the files to the following path:C:\Users\Username\Documents\American Truck Simulator\profiles

The last thing you have to do is open American Truck Simulator and load the newly uploaded game save.

Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.