Locais de gravação de fita de visitantes Fortnite

fortnite: Onde encontrar a gravação do visitante em Retail Row e Floating Island

Here is the exact location where you can find the Visitor Tape Recording at Retail Row and Floating Island to complete the Fortnite Out of Time Challenge.

The new challenges in the newest Fortnite challenge called Out of Time are now officially out. There are two challenges this time and one of these is the task where you are required to collect the Visitor Tape Recordings found at Retail Row and The Floating Island.

Visitor Tape Recording at Retail Row

Fortnite Visitor Tape Recording Retail Row
Fortnite Visitor Tape Recording Retail Row

When you’re at Retail Row, all you need is to head at the east side of the POI. Go inside and proceed to the top floor of the Bookshop Building. De lá, you can find the Visitor Tape Recording floating on the floor.

Visitor Tape Recording at the Floating Island

Fortnite Visitor Tape Recording Floating Island
Fortnite Visitor Tape Recording Floating Island

Since the Floating Island is constantly moving, all you need to do is glide your way to the island before jumping to the main island. Assim que você chegar lá, you will find the Visitor Tape Recording behind the gold-colored pickup truck that can be found near the entrance to the hotel.

E é isso! Uma vez feito, you can also start to complete the challenge where you are also tasked to collect the Visitor Recordings at Moistly Palms and Greasy Grove.

Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.