Funko pop

Funko Adicionando Mewtwo, Senhor. Mime, Pichu, e Vulpix em sua lista pop de Pokémon

Funko has officially announced that Pokemon fans will be getting a new Pokemon Pop vinyl figures soon. The new Pokemon Pop includes Pop! Mewtwo, Pop! Senhor. Mime, Pop! Pichu, and Pop! Vulpix.

The company started releasing Funko Pop Pokemon collection with Pikachu, followed by the three starters of the Kanto region Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. Funko already released different versions of each pocket monsters and just last year, they released another Funko Pop figure for Pikachu and other previously released Pokemon.

If you’re a Funko Pop collector and a Pokemon fan at the same, check out the upcoming Mewtwo, Senhor. Mime, Pichu, and Vulpix Pops below.

Funko pop

Funko Pop is yet to reveal the release date of these new Pokemon Pop vinyl. Stay tuned for more details.

Sobre o autor

Um ambicioso engenheiro eletrônico em formação. Geralmente você pode encontrá-la na biblioteca ou no quarto jogando seu jogo favorito, Pokémon Sun and Moon.. Ela está atualmente baseada no Japão para seu estágio.