Luz Dourada de Rosa – Como conseguir “Minha foto favorita” Conquista

The easy way to get the most grindy achievement in the game.

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The achievement’s trigger condition seems to be quite simple, but it’s absurdly random and time-consuming to get.

It requires you to get theGolden Brainmemento perk.

It’s of extremely low odds of getting it from a polaroid card.

While grinding it, I’ve found a way to make it less random.

Minha foto favorita

I’ve found a way to decrease the pool of possible mementos to make it more possible for theGolden Brainperk to trigger.

There’s one memento on every floor.

You can get it either from a polaroid photocard or from a meat hole. If you can’t find a photo card, it’s most likely a memento spawned in a meat hole.

Então, to increase your chances of getting theGolden Brainperk you need to do a few things.

Primeiramente, choose the easiest difficulty. There was a suggestion that the max difficulty increases the chances of getting rare drops. From my experience of completing the game 15+ vezes, it’s not true at all.

em segundo lugar, complete the first two floors as usual. Necessarily, take mementos on both floors.

Em terceiro lugar, find a memento on the third floor. Provavelmente, you won’t get it on your first try. Be ready to farm it for a few hours. All the people out there suggest you just restart the level. What you should actually do is press theESCbutton and choose thequit+save” opção. It turned out to save all of your weapons and mementos, while still restarting the level. Ao fazê-lo, you can get the maximum of three mementos, decreasing the pool of possible perks appearing on the choice screen and makingGolden Brainmore likely to appear in the next run. Repeat it until you find it.

Be very attentive so you don’t miss it, it has the longest description of all the perks and the moon is depicted in it.

Este guia sobre Luz Dourada de Rosa Foi escrito por [GTH]. Você pode visitar a publicação original neste link. Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre este guia, por favor, não hesite em contactar-nos aqui.

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