Bom Cachorro

Guia e dicas de conquistas do Good Doggo

This guide will be covering the steps on how you can easily get 100% achievements in Good Doggo. For those who are having a hard time obtaining all Good Doggo achievements, este é para você.

Há apenas um total de 5 achievements in Good Doggo. Nenhuma dessas conquistas é oculta ou secreta. Most of them are level related achievements, which is pretty self explanatory. No entanto, the hard part is getting these levels. Within you’ll also find the best ways to level up faster.

Good Doggo Achievement Guide

  • Bom Cachorro – Nível de alcance 5
  • Gooder Doggo – Nível de alcance 10
  • Great Doggo – Nível de alcance 20
  • Greater Doggo – Nível de alcance 30
  • Greatest DoggoMax out all stats

The achievements are very simple: reach level 5, reach level 10, reach level 20, reach level 30, and max out all stats. There’s not really much to it. But if you just want to be done with it as soon as possible, keep on reading.

How to Get them Faster and Easier

Agora, every time you complete a round, you’ll get to spend your “pontos”. You get these points by leveling up.

Agora, to get all of these achievements faster, melhoria “More Stacks”, “Taller Stack”, e “Fancier Treats”. These will allow you to get more XP so you can level up faster. When you level up faster, you can get more points to spend on others, so you can also get theMax out all stats” conquista.

Dicas Adicionais

You can also get these so the process of grinding for the achievements is a little faster and easier.

  • Neater Toss
  • Better Balance
  • Shorter Hold
  • Faster Growth
  • Faster Toss

No entanto, don’t forget that the most important ones for the achievements are Fancier Treats, Taller Stack, and More Stacks.

Guia por Juke Box Frog.

Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.