Conquista da lição de história – Geneforge 1 – mutagênico

Lição de história
Learn the ancient secret of Sucia Island.

How to Unlock History Lesson Achievement

n order to get this one and learn the ancient secret of the island, you need to travel to the Spirit’s City section of the map and talk to the shade inside the temple. To do that you will need to touch the specially marked pylons in the following maps in the following order: Drayk’s Vale, Ancient Crypt, Diarazad, O ferro-velho, Dry Wastes, Western Wastes, Valley of Ghosts, and finally the Spirit City. After touching the last pylon, you will be able to enter the main room and talk to the shade.

You can actually brute force the History Lesson achievement by spamming Essence Shield and healing spells, entering the temple and quickly talking to the ghost, going where he asks and then talking to him again.

Guia por Comandante A.

Touch the specially marked pylons in the following map in the following order: Drayk’s Vale, Ancient Crypt, Diarazad, O ferro-velho, Dry Wastes, Western Wastes, Valley of Ghost, and finally Spirit City. After touching the last pylon, you should be able to enter the warded room. Talk to the shade for the achievement.

Guia por Mechalibur.

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Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.