Como destruir um drone grande usando picareta em vulcanóides

This guide will be showing you how to destroy a large drone using pickaxe in Volcanoids. Successfully destroying a large drone with your pickaxe will also unlock the achievement called Grounded.

The Easy Way

  • Shoot the drone a few times to lower it’s HP, to make the whole process easier and faster
  • Throw a Tesla Grenade at a large drone, after successful throw, the drone will fall down
  • When the drone is on the ground, hit the drone with your pickaxe till it’s unalived

The Hard Way

  • Shoot the drone a few times to lower its HP, to make the whole process easier and faster
  • Lure a large drone to the top of a steep mountain / penhasco
  • If the drone isfallingoff the mountain / cliff and is not that far away horizontally from you, you can jump after him and try to hit him with your pickaxe while airborne

Luringcan be done by walking towards a large drone slowly (the drone will be running away from you, in the direction you are heading). For easier explanation: the player is a pool cue and the drone is a pool ball.

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