This guide will be showing you how to destroy a large drone using pickaxe in Volcanoids. Successfully destroying a large drone with your pickaxe will also unlock the achievement called Grounded.
The Easy Way
- Shoot the drone a few times to lower it’s HP, to make the whole process easier and faster
- Throw a Tesla Grenade at a large drone, after successful throw, the drone will fall down
- When the drone is on the ground, hit the drone with your pickaxe till it’s unalived
The Hard Way
- Shoot the drone a few times to lower its HP, to make the whole process easier and faster
- Lure a large drone to the top of a steep mountain / cliff
- If the drone is “falling” off the mountain / cliff and is not that far away horizontally from you, you can jump after him and try to hit him with your pickaxe while airborne
Luring – can be done by walking towards a large drone slowly (the drone will be running away from you, in the direction you are heading). For easier explanation: the player is a pool cue and the drone is a pool ball.