How to enable/disable answerphone on Huawei P60 Pro?

In the fast-paced world we live in, missing an important phone call can be frustrating and potentially harmful. Mas não tema, Huawei P60 Pro users!

With just a few simple steps, you can take control of your phone’s answerphone feature. Whether you’re constantly on the go or simply want to enhance your communication skills, this guide will show you how to enable or disable the answerphone on your Huawei P60 Pro.

Say goodbye to missed calls and hello to efficient messaginglet’s dive right in!

Enabling SMS Answerphone on Huawei P60 Pro

To enable SMS answerphone on your Huawei P60 Pro, you will need to download theSMS Answerphoneapp from Google Play. Siga esses passos:

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your Huawei P60 Pro.
  2. Procurar por “SMS Answerphone” na barra de pesquisa.
  3. Locate the app in the search results and tap on it.
  4. Clique no “Instalar” botão para baixar e instalar o aplicativo no seu dispositivo.

Once the app is installed, you can proceed with setting up SMS answerphone. Veja como:

  1. Abra o “SMS Answerphone” aplicativo.
  2. Create a profile by providing a name for the profile.
  3. Select the communication channels you want to enable for the answerphone (SMS, calls, etc.).
  4. Add contacts to the profile whom you want the answerphone to respond to.
  5. Set active days and times during which the answerphone should be active.
  6. Save the profile.

With the SMS answerphone configured, it will automatically respond to incoming SMS messages according to the profile settings.

Disabling SMS Answerphone on Huawei P60 Pro

If you wish to disable SMS answerphone on your Huawei P60 Pro, Siga esses passos:

  1. Abra o “SMS Answerphone” aplicativo.
  2. Navegue até o “Profile list” seção.
  3. Locate the profile you want to deactivate or disable all profiles.
  4. Tap on the desired profile or select the option to disable all profiles.
  5. Confirm your choice.

Once the profile is deactivated or all profiles are disabled, the SMS answerphone will no longer respond to incoming messages.

Activating and Deactivating Messengers Answerphone on Huawei P60 Pro

In addition to SMS answerphone, Huawei P60 Pro also offers answerphone functionality for messengers. To activate and deactivate this feature, Siga esses passos:

  1. Download theIM Auto Replyapp from the Google Play Store.
  2. Give the app permission to read notifications when prompted.
  3. Abra o “IM Auto Reply” aplicativo.
  4. Select the messenger app you want to enable the answerphone for (por exemplo., Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Telegram).
  5. Customize the settings by adding exceptions or specific contacts, choosing the reply type and message.
  6. Select the desired messengers that you want to enable the answerphone for.
  7. Press the start button to activate the answerphone for messengers.
  8. To disable the answerphone for messengers, abra o “IM Auto Replyapp and click on the launch button.

Seguindo estes passos, you can easily enable or disable SMS and messengers answerphone on your Huawei P60 Pro, ensuring that you have control over your communication preferences. Enjoy the convenience and flexibility provided by these features on your device.

Please note that this article does not provide any specific statistics or additional information related to the keyword. The focus is solely on providing a step-by-step guide on enabling and disabling the answerphone feature on Huawei P60 Pro.

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