Como ativar os prompts do botão PlayStation no Palworld

How to replace the Xbox controller prompts with PS4/PS5 controller prompts

Baixando o Mod

Palworld supports Playstation controllers (via Steam Input) but still displays the button prompts for Xbox controllers. Para corrigir isso, we can download a mod created by CISAC on Nexus Mods.

The mod can be found aqui.

To download it, head over toFilesand download the zip folder.

Accessing the Pak folder

In order to install the mod, you need to head over to the Palworld pak folder. This can by found by right-clicking Palworld in your steam library and clicking “Gerenciar” então “Procurar arquivos locais”.

Once File Explorer opens up, navegar para:


This is where you will drop the file we downloaded.


Once the pak file is in the correct folder, launch the game and plug in your controller to start using PS4/PS5 button prompts!

All credit goes to CISAC on Nexus Mods

Este guia sobre Mundo Pal Foi escrito por Cherch. Você pode visitar a publicação original neste link. Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre este guia, por favor, não hesite em contactar-nos aqui.

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