Como obter o final secreto na Odisséia de Orbo

Some hints about the secret ending in Orbos Odyssey and then a walkthrough for those who dont like to figure stuff out alone

Secret Ending Walkthrough Guide

You can use the icons floating above to figure out where you should be looking for the parts!

if you havent got to this area in game yet, look around some more.

Pickaxe is the uranium mine.The three towers are the buildings from the city and the moon is obvious, because you would have to be in the level to see it anyway its the night level

In the city level, you can find the secret door

behind the largest building, you can get to it by jumping from the top

In the mining level, you need to climb above where the

dracula snipers will aim at you, look for a cutout near a spike and go towards it, you will have enough time to get there the secret level door is behind the spike

If you just need a hint figuring out where the mother body is, its large and purple you need to stand by it for a few seconds. Spoilered image below.

The monolith is the mother.

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