Como aumentar a resolução ao jogar Onigiri


Enable Steam Play (Proton)
Get the latest version of Proton-GE via Protonup
Enable the latest version of Proton-GE by changing the Proton version for each game

Resolution and Quality

AMD’s FSR works by running the game in a lower resolution (thereby increasing performance), then using AI to upscale the image to your output resolution. AMD has recommended specific resolutions at which your game should run, depending on your screen resolution. Here is a handy image.

Como um exemplo, if your screen is 1920×1080, and you want the Quality preset, you would set your in-game resolution to 1280 x 720. alternativamente, for that same 1920 x 1080 tela, if you want the Ultra Quality preset, your in-game resolution should be 1477 x 831.
Sharpening (Mine is 3440×1440, so I just use the highest resolution the game has to offer, being 1920×1080)

You can optionally add an additional parameter, WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR_STRENGTH to increase the sharpening effect of FSR. The range is 0-5, 0 having the most sharpening, e 5 having the least. If this parameter is not set, it defaults to 2.

More sharpening will increase the quality of the image, but at a slight cost to performance!
Setup Steam Launch Options

Right-click on the selected game and select “Propriedades”. Então, under the General Tab, input into the Launch Options:


If you wish to modify FSR’s sharpening strength, add it just before %command%. Exemplo:


Setup your In-game Resolution

Assim que o jogo for lançado, go to the game’s Options menu and set the following, typically underVideo Options”:

Set the display to Fullscreen (not Bordered or Borderless Window!)
Set the resolution to your quality preset resolution (ex. Ultra-Quality for a 1920 x 1080 monitor would be 1477 x 831)
Se necessário, reinicie seu jogo!

Parabéns! You are finally free from the game trash resolution, yey!

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