Como instalar flores desabrochando no final do verão Tradução para o inglês

An unofficial English translation for ‘Flowers Blooming at the End of Summer’ jogo.

Visão geral

It has been almost 3 years ‘Flowers Blooming at the End of Summerwas released. I was so impressed by the directing, the illustrations, and the scenario. I searched this game in English on Google several times, and I found that users wanting a translation of this game, so I tried to make one. And here we are.

How to apply translation

Primeiro, download the translation file from this Google Drive.

Segundo, browse the game’s local file:

  1. Right click ‘Flowers Blooming at the End of Summer’, click Manage – Procure arquivos locais
  2. Open ‘
  3. Drag the ‘gamefolder in the .zip to the local folder that opens. If you have done it successfully, you could see a new file named ‘options.rpyin the ‘game’ pasta.

Terceiro, enjoy the game!


Because this is my first time trying to translate a game and trying to use Ren’Py, there might be typos or errors in the game. If found, please contact @ddockson on Discord. Feel free to add friend, and please send me the part where an error occurs with a screenshot.

Também, since my first language isn’t English, I had problems translating. Especially, I could finish redesigning the UIs and videos, but couldn’t even start translating the scripts. agradecidamente, I could find a script translated by codeforker, using Bing AI and GPT-4 and GalTransl (You can check the repository at aqui). No entanto, while reading the translated scripts, I could find some sentences that were translated a bit awkward, so I changed the scripts to be a bit more accurate. I also searched for some natural phrases that are used in real life. If it were not for codeforker, I couldn’t have finished making this translation. Obrigado!!

Por último, mas não menos importante, I would like to thank MidnightWorks for allowing me to make an unofficial English translation for ‘Flowers Blooming at the End of Summer’. It was a great and fun experience trying to translate the UIs and fixing the translations. I hope people who can use English can play this visual novel in the future!! 😀

Fix List
1.0: Lançado!
1.1: Fixed some long sentences crossing the chat box, added subtitles when the dialogues of the voice appears in video at Chapter 5 e Capítulo 7.

Este guia sobre Flowers Blooming at the End of Summer Foi escrito por DDockson. Você pode visitar a publicação original neste link. Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre este guia, por favor, não hesite em contactar-nos aqui.

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