Como abrir a porta da mão dourada em Sons Of The Forest

To open golden hand door you need to do two things. Find Ancient Armor and upgrade it to it’s golden version with the help of armor plater.

Ancient armor location

It located in a space ship deep it the cave, note that you need a rebreather to swim there.

How to upgrade armor?

In a VIP bunker neer a GOLDEN DOOR you will find armor plater blueprint.

Now you can build it btw it need 12 pices of golden ore to get it started.

ONCE armor plater activated it will triger HORDE! So be careful and be prepared!

When all MUTANTS are killded it’s becomes shiny YUPPY!!!

GOLEDN DOOR now can be opened!

And yeah be careful because there is an ending sequence behind it, better take your time collect all the artifact pices and save your game before open it

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