lego guerra nas estrelas: A Saga Skywalker

Como desbloquear habilidades de necrófago em LEGO Star Wars: A Saga Skywalker

How to unlock scavenger abilities in LEGO Star Wars: A Saga Skywalker.


The Scavenger class is one of the most useful classes for exploration and required to obtain many Kyber bricks. If you’re like me, you started the game by playing the Prequel trilogy so you were probably confused why the Scavenger class wasn’t doing anything. Uniquely, it’s the only class in the game whose abilities are locked until you complete a certain level.

You must play either Episode VI (the missionThe Chewbacca Defense”) or VII (in between the missionsThe First Order of Business” e “Low Flying Garbage”) to unlock the Scavenger abilities.

Hope that helps!

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