Ilha do Jura

Guia de controles da Ilha de Jura para PC

This guide will cover all the Isle of Jura controls to help every player on their adventure in the game. Take a trip to the island of Jura and explore this remote and beautiful island. Isle of Jura is a fun 3D exploration game developed and published by EM Games.

Isle of Jura Controls

De voltaS
PeixeBotão esquerdo do mouse
Fly Fish DirectionBotão direito do mouse
Switch RodQ
Menu abertoEsc
Isle of Jura Controls

How to Change the Default Controls

Assim como qualquer outro videogame, players have the ability to modify and configure the default Isle of Jura key bindings. To change the controls, Siga os passos abaixo.

  1. In the Main menu, clique na opção Configurações
  2. You will find the Controls remapping on the left side.
  3. Click the Rebind button and enter your desired key.

Observação: If you’re already in the game, you can open the Settings option by hitting the Esc key on your keyboard.

Sobre o autor

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