ordem de batalha: World War II

ordem de batalha: World War II PC Keyboard Controls

Take control of the action and bring your country to victory in Order of Battle: World War II. neste guia, we will be showing you the full list of Order of Battle: World War II controls.

ordem de batalha: World War II Controls

To change the following default Order of Battle: World War II keybindings, go to Settings > Controls tab.

Painel de OpçõesEsc
Salvamento rapidoF5
Carga rápidaF8
Next Active UnitPágina para baixo
Previous Active UnitSubir página
Production PanelP
Force PoolF
Repair UnitR
Elite Repair UnitE
Upgrade Unitvocê
Unit Info PanelEU
Toggle Ground/Air ViewAba
Captura de telaF9
Close PanelDigitar
Turno finalCtrl + Digitar
Chat PanelC
Objectives PanelO
Location Nameseu
ordem de batalha: World War II Controls

And this is everything you need to know about the Order of Battle: World War II controls and shortcuts. Did we miss any controls for the game? Por favor, deixe-nos saber na seção de comentários abaixo.

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