PS Store apresenta sistema de classificação de 5 estrelas para seus jogos de PlayStation

TL;RD: A Sony atualizou a PS Store com um sistema de classificação de cinco estrelas para jogos PS4 e PS5, permitindo que os usuários avaliem os jogos que possuem, and you can find this feature by selectingView Producton a game’s page.

Product pages on the PS Store got a makeover from Sony. They added a new five-star rating system that lets users give ratings to their PlayStation games. It’s a bit unclear when they introduced this, but people started noticing it in the last 12 horas.

To use it, go to the PS Store, find the game you’re interested in, e clique em “View Product.You’ll see the game’s rating under the logo. Click on it for more details. The next screen will show you how many ratings the game has and a breakdown of how many people gave it each score. You can only rate games you’ve bought, downloaded, or added to your library.

It’s a cool new feature, but are you planning to use it on the PS Store? Deixe-nos saber nos comentários abaixo.

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