Jornada nas Estrelas: Comando da Frota Estelar – Como obter projetos do Orion Corvette

No mundo de Start Trek Fleet Command, os jogadores podem construir suas próprias frotas galácticas e se envolver em jogabilidade baseada em estratégia. Uma das naves que pode ser útil para os jogadores é a Orion Corvette, que tem a capacidade de ativar o escudo automático de um inimigo sem usar muitos recursos. No entanto, in order to build the Orion Corvette, players will need to acquire blueprints for it. Neste artigo, we will discuss where players can find Orion Corvette blueprints in Start Trek Fleet Command.

Finding Blueprints in PvE Chests

One way to find Orion Corvette blueprints is by acquiring them through PvE chests gained by defeating low-level enemies. This method is relatively simple and can be done by traveling to Fostaa, where players can find level 9 para 11 enemies that will grant easy blueprints. alternativamente, players can also try any system in the Orion space, as the name of the ship is also Orion.

Gathering Resources for Building the Orion Corvette

In addition to blueprints, players will also need to gather the necessary resources to build the Orion Corvette. These resources include tritanium, which can be mined in the Neutral and Faction zones. The Orion Corvette only requires 800 tritanium for building or repair, making it a relatively inexpensive ship to construct.

Once players have acquired the blueprints and gathered the necessary resources, they will be ready to build their own Orion Corvette. This ship can be useful for raids and other strategic purposes, and it only requires a small amount of resources for repair. Players should use the Orion Corvette wisely to save repair resources and make the most of their intergalactic travels in Start Trek Fleet Command.

Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.