Stardew Valley – Como Obter Pale Ale

Stardew Valley é um popular simulador de agricultura que permite aos jogadores criar produtos artesanais, incluindo Pale Ale. Para fazer Pale Ale em Stardew Valley, os jogadores precisarão adquirir um Keg and Hop. neste guia, discutiremos como obter Pale Ale em Stardew Valley, including the materials and steps required to craft it.

Crafting a Keg

To craft a Keg, players must reach Level 8 farming skill in Stardew Valley. At this level, players will receive various crafting recipes, including the Keg and Oil Maker. The materials required to craft a Keg include 30 Madeira, 1 Barra de cobre, 1 Oak Resin, e 1 Barra de ferro.

Growing Hops

Hops are a crop that can be grown during the Summer season in Stardew Valley. Eles pegam 11 days to mature and have a special way of growing, so players should avoid walking through their crops while they grow.

Making Pale Ale

To make Pale Ale, players can place Hops into their Keg and wait 34 hours for the production process to complete. To speed up the process, players can sleep for the night in their homes. Once the Pale Ale has been brewed, it can be used for personal consumption or sold for 300g.

Pale Ale is an artisan good in Stardew Valley that provides 50+ Energy and +22 Saúde. To make Pale Ale, players will need to craft a Keg and grow Hops. Seguindo estes passos, players can make and use Pale Ale in Stardew Valley.

Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.