Guia passo a passo completo da morte de Erin Myers

A text walkthrough of the gameThe Death of Erin Myers”.


The game only has nine short chapters.

This guide doesn’t include achievements.


Look at the upper part of the toilet (1). Pegar Cadeia. Go back.

Look at the sink (2).

Pegar SpongeBar of SoapEmpty Soap BottleEmpty Bowl e Funnel. Go back.

Usar Cadeia on the hooks (3). Combinar Bar of Soap com Empty Bowl in the inventory. Usar Bowl with Soap on the chain. Pegar Bowl with Liquid Soap.

Combinar Empty Soap Bottle com Funnel in the inventory. Combinar Empty Bottle with Funnel com Bowl with Liquid Soap in the inventory. Look at the sink (2).

Usar Bottle of Liquid Soap on the valve then click on it. Usar Bowl with Liquid Soap on the sink. Click on the hot water tap. Pegar Bowl of Soapy Water. Go back.

Combinar Bowl of Soapy Water com Sponge in the inventory. Usar Soapy Sponge on the stain.

Sonho 1

Pegar Argamassa e Pestle. Look at the chalkboard (1).

Pegar Chalk e Screwdriver. Combinar Argamassa e Chalk in the inventory. Combinar Chalk in Mortar com Pestle in the inventory. Go back.

Look at the hole (2).

Pegar Can of Paint e Paint Roller. Combinar Screwdriver com Can of Paint in the inventory. Combinar Dark Paint com Chalk Powder in the inventory. Usar Light Paint on the empty container. Usar Paint Roller on the light paint. Go back and to the chalkboard.

Usar Wet Paint Roller on the chalkboard. Go back and click on the slide progector. Look at the chalkboard and click on it.


Go to the briefing room (1).

Look at the chair.

Pegar Observação e então Package. Go back.

Look at the table.

Pegar Wire Statue e Tray. Go back twice. Go to the rec room (2).

Look at the lockers on the left.

Pegar Estátua e Bateria. Go back.

Look at the table on the right.

Pegar Pliers. Usar Tray on the electric stove. Usar Estátua on the metal tray. Click on the knob. Pegar Metal Nut. Go back.

Combinar Wire Statue e Pliers in the inventory. Look at the lockers on the left. Usar Wire on the locker. Pegar Erro e Bug Receiver. Go back.

Combinar Metal Nut com Bug Receiver in the inventory. Combinar Bateria com Bug Receiver in the inventory. Combinar Package com Erro in the inventory. Go back.

Usar Bugged Package on the interview room (3). Dar Bugged Package to one of the men.


Talk to to the police officer and click on the door.

Right click on the Celular in the inventory and then left click on the green button.

Look at the kitchen (1).

Pegar Fly Paper e Coat Hanger. Go back.

Look at the garbage can (2).

Pegar Pencil Sharpener e Hook. Go back.

Look at the table (3).

Pegar Notepad e Pencil. Usar Fly Paper na mesa. Usar Pencil Sharpener on the fly paper. Usar Pencil on the pencil sharpener. Combinar Notepad com Sharp Pencil in the inventory. Combinar Coat Hanger com Hook in the inventory. Go back.

Usar Hanger and Hook on the picture (4). Click on the safe. Usar 4-Digit Code on the safe. Pegar Metal Box.

Pick up the phone. After the dialogue wait for a bit and use the phone again. Click on the red button.


Pegar Furar. Look at the table (1).

Pegar Large Pieve of PaperMais leve e Pen. Usar Furar on the medical case. Go back.

Look at the doors (2). Usar Large Pieve of Paper on the left door. Usar Pen on the keyhole on the left door. Click on the paper, escolher Chave and use it on the keyhole on the left door.

Look at the box. Pegar Dropper. Go back three times.

Look at the tables. Usar Dropper on the hole in the medical case. Combinar Dropper with Alcohol com Empty Lighter. Go back.

Look at the power source (3). Click on the lever. Go back.

Look at the doors. Usar Door Key on the keyhole of the right door. Go back. Look at the power source and click on the lever. Go back.

Look at the doors. Open the right door and enter. Click on the autopsy report and then go back.

Sonho 2

Look at the table (1).

Pegar Screwdriver. Use it on the wooden crate. Go back.

Look at the stepladder (2).

Pegar Martelo e Corda. Go back.

Look at the bed (3).

Pegar Partidas e Unhas. Usar Screwdriver on both rings. Go back.

Look at the stepladder. Combinar Martelo com Unhas in the inventory. Usar Wooden Boards on the stepladder. Usar Hammer and Nails on the stepladder. Pegar Stepladder. Go back.

Usar Stepladder on the door frame (4). Look at it. Usar Metal Ring nele.

Usar Stepladder on the door frame (5). Look at it. Usar Metal Ring nele.

Look at the box (6). Usar Corda on the hook. Usar Partidas on the rope.

A door on the floor should open. Look at it and climb down.


Talk to the police officer (1). Pegar Plastic Cup. Go back and talk to the kid (2). Go back and then right (3).

Look at the cell and talk to the prisoner. Go back. Look at the table. Open the top drawer. Pegar Oil Can e Shotgun Shell. Go back.

Look at the water cooler.

Combinar Faca com Oil Can in the inventory. Usar Lubricated Knife on the damaged wall. Combinar Sharpe Knife com Shotgun Shell in the inventory. Usar Plastic Cup on the water cooler. Combinar Cup of Water com Sal in the inventory.

Go back twice. Talk to the police officer. Go back, then right and took at the prisoner. Give him Cup of Salt Water. Go back and then to the prisoner.

Go back twice. Talk to the police officer. Pegar Lunchbox.

Go back and to the kid. Give him Lunchbox.


Look at the boxes (1).

Pegar Rubber Band e Small Rock. Go back.

Look at the window (2).

Pegar Metal Bar. Go back.

Look at the door (3). Pegar Tape. Go back.

Look at the dumpster (4).

Pegar Coat Hooks e Piece of Glass. Go back.

Combinar Coat Hooks com Tape in the inventory. Combinar Taped Coat Hooks com Rubber Band in the inventory. Combinar Slingshot com Small Rock in the inventory. Usar Loaded Slingshot on TV antenna.

Look at the door. Usar Piece of Glass on antenna. Combinar Antenna com Metal Bar in the inventory. Go back.

Look at the window. Usar Hook on the metal spike. Go back.

Look at the dumpster. Usar Metal Spike on the rust spot. Click on the dumpster. Usar Metal Spike on the manhole. Climb down. Clique na porta.


Click on the surroundings. Pick up the cellphone. Click on the red button.

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