Armazenamento Valheim

Valheim – Construindo o Melhor Armazém de Armazenamento

Este guia abordará as etapas de como você pode criar a melhor solução de armazenamento para todos os seus saques em Valheim. Antes de começarmos com o guia, certifique-se de que você já conhece o básico de Valheim.

How to Build Storage

Armazenamento Valheim

  • Use a 1m wooden pole to place the floor parts above the lower chests.
  • Build a new layer using chests.
  • Fill the gaps with a wooden pole of 1m or 2m, both horizontally and vertically, to create the pattern seen in the image above.
  • Put up the signs, and call them according to your own choice. We do recommend meta-gaming.
  • Explore your world, play a game with a couple of friends.
  • Start looting.
  • Fill the chests with your freshly collected loot.
  • Enjoy the profit.

As you can see in the markings of the chest above, it’s written in Swedish, a true viking language.

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